Cheap and Free Fourth of July Additional Weekend Picks, July 1-4, 2011

By Cheapchicknyc

There's tons of cheap and free stuff going on for those of you staying in the city! Check out my official cheap and free July 4th 2011 Guide here, and also see the rest of the w/e picks below!

Friday July 1, 2011

Get high on movies with Rooftop Films! Tonight’s screening features Echotone, the winner of the Northside DIY Festival, which follows the lives of Austin musicians! Doors open at 8, movie starts at 9 p.m., On the lawn of Automotive High School, Williamsburg, 50 Bedford Ave. at North 13th St., tkts $10 online or at the door (include free beer at Matchless after-party), and can be bought here:

Dance your way down the boardwalk (not under it!) at Coney Island with the Coney Island Dancers, 12 p.m to 11 p.m., Coney Island Boardwalk, free!

Reggae fans should head to Prospect Park for tonight’s Steel Pulse concert at the Bandshell, 7:30 p.m., Prospect Park Bandshell, Prospect Park West and 9th Street. info, free!

Oh Canada! The land of Alex Trebek, Celine Dion, and Being Erica! Pay homage to our maple-leafed neighbors with a Canada Day bash, 11:30 a.m./lunch, 3:30 p.m./drinks, Windfalll Bar and Restaurant, 23rd bet 5th and 6th, free (except paying for food and drinks)!

BAM’s tribute to Marilyn Monroe starts today and runs through the 17th (

Saturday July 2, 2011

It’s s Molly Ringwald’s birthday and no one notices! At least that’s the basic outline for the John Hughes classic Sixteen Candles, which is screening tonight at Symphony Space as first in a six-part series honoring the filmmaker, 8 p.m., Symphony Space, 2537 Broadway at 95th Street, $7, buy tkts here:

Take in some silent movies with lively music accompaniment provided by the Dixieland group the Red Hook Ramblers, 8 p.m., Jalopy Theater, 315 Columbia St between Hamilton Ave and Woodhull St, Red Hook, Brooklyn, $10!

Have le patriotic fun at le Bingo hosted by drag queen Linda Simpson! 7 p.m., Le Poisson Rouge, 158 Bleecker bet. Thompson and Sullivan, free to enter, and $2 for cards! (Cheap Chick tip: Some slight pressure to buy food/drinks is also exerted.)

Cross the water for some high-brow entertainment at the first installment of the Rite of Summer Classical Music Festival, 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., Governors Island (take ferry near Staten Island Ferry terminal-sked here: , Colonels Row, free!

Plus The Brooklyn Museum is open late today as part of its First Saturdays program (, The Bank of America is offering free admission to many cardholders this weekend (, and PS 1’s Warm-Up parties start today (!

Saturday and Sunday July 2 and 3, 2011

Housing Works is hosting a 30 percent off everything in the store sale!

Sunday July 3, 2011

Take a staycation to City Island during a two-hour tour led by Andrea Polli and Jamie Davis, 2 p.m., meet at the NE corner of St. Paul’s Avenue and Westchester Ave. in the Bronx (6 to Pelham Bay Park), $20!

BBQs are also being hosted today by Sycamore (, Palo Santo (, and Lady Jay’s (!

Monday July 4, 2011

If you still haven’t gotten your BBQ fix, there are plenty of bars hosting cookouts including the Rare View Rooftop Cookout, at two locations (, Huckleberry Bar (, Nita Nita (, and I hear that Bark ( is opening its rooftop for dogs and fireworks tonight as well!

Be careful before you get in the water! Watch a midnight screening of Jaws Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the IFC Center (, was that really the White House exploding? See for yourself during Landmark Sunshine’s midnight screenings of Independence Day (also Fri-Sun) (, and the African Arts Festival presents tons of arts, culture, and food all w/e long (!