Cheap Alternative to Makeup Remover

By Dressmeupbuttercup @hazelsalcedo

One day I said to myself, ‘okay, I’ve had enough of this makeup remover that does nothing but to sting my eyes!' and then fortunately, I stumbled upon this baby oil. At the back of the packaging it says it can remove makeup from the delicate eye area.

It’s an affordable alternative to my makeup remover (Tony Moly costs Php398 for 165ml, the baby oil costs only around Php100 for 295ml). And it smells like baby powder — at the end of the day when removing makeup, it’s that fresh-as-a-baby scent that I look forward to! I highly recommend you guys to switch to baby oil to remove your makeup, if you aren’t yet. It’s less expensive and it does the job right!

As always, I love hearing from my readers! What’s your current makeup remover? Do leave a comment, tweet me at @hazelsalcedo, send questions via my Ask Box, or post a message on my Facebook page. You can also shoot me an email at hazelnot AT yahoo DOT com. Talk to you soon, okay? ❤