Chastity Night with La Purisima Life Teen

By Mod31

Last night, I had the opportunity to speak to the teens at La Purisma Life Teens on the subject of sex, love, dating, and chastity. Seeing as how I am not a public speaker whatsoever and the idea of talking in front of people scares me half to death, I think it’s safe to say that the Holy Spirit took over while I was up there (I know this for a fact because so many were praying for me). It was a wonderful experience to share my own conversion story and experience with them, as well as talk about the things I’ve learned since then regarding the beauty of sex, what it means to be in a relationship and to authentically love others. Being Catholic means being counter-cultural, because while culture and society mindset comes and go, God is unchanging.

After the talk, Amanda, the youth minister, had the boys and girls separate into small groups to share personal stories and get some healing and support. I was humbled to hear some of the girls talk about their own experiences, understanding, and hope in God. So young and so vibrant in their faith! They are such a great group of kids, and I know the Spirit was flowing that night.

I totally didn’t think about taking any pictures that night to share here! Thanks to my friend David for the photo above! And for the idea to publicize Mod31 during the talk. If any of you guys from La Purisima Life Teen came by because of that, hello! Hope to stop by again soon in the future for more fellowship.