Chasing Memories by Tia Silverthorne Bach Blog Tour Review

By Christiesbookreviews @christiewriting

Welcome to the Chasing Memories by Tia Silverthorne Bach blog tour, put together by Tribute Books. I'm happy to have Tia on my blog today, especially since she is a fellow blogger. I'm excited to support her as a new author and was lucky enough to get a copy of her book to review for this tour. I hope everyone checks her book out. Thank you everyone that checks out this post and my review.

Chasing Memories by Tia Silverthorne Bach★★★☆☆

There isn’t another way; not now. The others are coming. I can’t let them have you…

Seventeen-year-old Reagan has a problem: She can’t remember what happened the night her brother was taken.
Now, the dreams haunting her from the incident are becoming more intense by the day. All the while, the lines between what’s real and what’s a product of her paranormal-obsessed mind are becoming blurred.
Is she losing her mind or has she just stepped into a world she thought only existed in books?
Caught in a web of worried parents, competing boys, Wiccan relatives, protective amulets, and psychiatrist babble, Reagan must determine the truth before it’s too late.

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Reagan wasn’t happy about going camping with her family and having to share a tent with her younger brother. Little did she know the first night would be the only night of camping and an end to the life she had before the trip, caught between hiding from the memories and embracing them to learn the truth about what happened that fatal night and who she really was.
Chasing Memories was a fast read and nice introduction to the series. I enjoyed getting to know Reagan and watching her work through what happened and secrets that she didn’t know about her family before. It is a journey of growing and learning about herself and what she will do to know the truth.
The story starts with a terrible event that spins the story into a mystery because Reagan doesn’t remember what happened. Bits and pieces come back in the form of dreams – which, in turn, helps the reader try to figure out the mystery as well. When the book ends, there are still a lot of questions that need to be answered, propelling the reader to want to read the next book in the series.
I received this book for review from Tribute Books.
Tia Silverthorne Bach's Bio:
Tia Silverthorne Bach is an avid reader, sometimes runner, involved wife and mother, and rabid grammar hound in addition to being a multi-genre writer. Her three daughters were born in Chicago, San Diego, and Baltimore; and she feels fortunate to have called many places home. She's the award-winning co-author of Depression Cookies, a coming of age story written with her mother. Tia's office is wherever her laptop takes her and any place that's conducive to allowing a wild imagination like hers to flourish.Find Tia:| Website | Blog | Book Review Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Blog Tour Site |