Charlotte Balbier’s Wedding Dresses for 2014 — A Decade of Style. Which is Your Favourite?

By Claire

The design which seems to be get­ting most atten­tion — and it’s eas­ily my per­sonal favorite — is Beaul­lea. The exquis­ite lace back of the dress is just beau­ti­ful isn’t it?! I’ll show you the dresses and share Charlotte’s sto­ries with you too. I love the romance of it all… I think Charlotte’s words really demon­strate her cre­ativ­ity as a designer — they’re fantastic!

Beaul­lea — “Adorn­ment, what a sci­ence. Beauty, what a weapon. Mod­esty, what elegance!”

Embell­ished with a wealth of achingly deep affec­tion, she is encased in an air of admi­ra­tion from her love, radi­at­ing through her she shines sil­ver brighter than the star of clear night. Con­fi­dent in her sweet­heart, Beaul­lea is poised and self assured as she dreamt of a love like this, a pro­found love, and now in the midst of a fan­tasy like daze she is cre­at­ing her own story, with a an end­ing more than per­fect with feel­ings no words can describe.

Belle — A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life, to be thank­ful for a good one.”

With the ele­gance and boun­ti­ful beauty to that of a princess, with a pres­ence so pow­er­ful she could sink a thou­sand ships; Belle has ele­gance and a style that cap­tures the romance of the Renais­sance era and an old fash­ioned love to com­pli­ment her grace. She fell for him like no-one had ever fallen before, cap­tured by his essence and drawn to him right from her core. This was a soul found love that bound with a never end­ing story.

Libby — “If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun”

Caught in a whirl­wind, a breeze of lust, but love? Is this love? Day dreams of escape, a cir­cus of thoughts, Libby’s mind wan­ders through the life she needs to pick up and run from. A run-away bride caught up in the fairy tale show of seem­ingly pre­cious time, she craves an exis­tence of soul cap­tur­ing love that oozes the plea­sures of intel­li­gence and wit. Elu­sive she may be, Fugi­tive she is, monot­o­nous she is not.

Boadicea & Holly — “If you love two peo­ple at the same time, choose the sec­ond one, because if you really loved the first one you wouldn’t have fallen for the second”

A love so strong no-one can take it away, a will­ing and a burst­ing anx­i­ety to please but who should she become? Which girl inside of her does he long for, the maze of games is a con­sum­ing tun­nel and it’s only she who can decide. In a race to find her­self; the fire mane adorned with siren lace? Boadicea is a lover so vivid she cap­tures his imag­i­na­tion. Or the sub­tle mys­te­ri­ous beauty of Holly? So intrigu­ing she holds a pow­er­ful energy over his dynamic ways. A deci­sion of end­less love is a painful one to make.

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