Charlaine Reveals Book Title For Sookie 13 At RT Convention

Posted on the 14 April 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Charlaine Harris is appearing at the RT Convention in Chicago RIGHT NOW. At the convention, she has revealed the book title for Sookie 13, as well as other news in her writing career.

First, we’ll share the news about her writing career AFTER the Sookie Stackhouse series ends…

Charlaine Harris’ HARPER CONNOLLY series will be filmed for @syfy!

I’m guessing that’s the SyFy Channel? I can’t remember what their Twitter name is…cool! I hope they follow the books closer than they did on True Blood!

Charlaine Harris has signed a three-book deal for new series, third person POV, multi pOV, mystery, pnr, probably a lot of violence

Sounds very interesting and intriguing!

Now on with the book title…

WARNING: For those who don’t want to know – don’t read below!

Are you ready? I think you might find this title very fitting as the final book title. And just to remind you…this title COULD be changed by her publishers at a later date, so it’s NOT written in stone! But it will keep you speculating for the unforeseeable future!

Here it is:

Charlaine Harris just gave us the title for the last Sookie novel – DEAD EVER AFTER

I like it! I think it’s the perfect title to end the series! It’s kind of like “Happily Ever After” but with “Dead” in the title instead of “Happily” – as all of her books in the series MUST contain according to her contract with the publisher.

Isn’t it interesting that Charlaine revealed the book title for the 13th book on Friday the 13th? Hmmm…

What do you think? Feel free to share your thoughts and speculations below!


PS. Just think…we have 13 months of this to look forward to!