Charge Your Devices with the Power Pillow

Posted on the 11 February 2014 by Anna Peterson

The Power Pillow is a new creation that you can use for both relaxing and charging your phone or tablet when a wall socket isn’t available or close enough.

You can pick the design that fits your personality the best.

The Power Pillow looks like a regular cushion and comes in seven interesting designs, but what makes it stand out is that on the inside it has two 12000mAh lithium-polymer battery packs that charge any of your devices via a USB port. When one battery gets low, all you need to do is swap it with the other, fully charged one. So, the pillow does not actually do anything, except look pretty, and the batteries do all the hard work.

While charging, you can still use your phone or tablet, which means that if you are waiting for an important phone call or an e-mail, you won’t have to run to the other room every two minutes to check on your device. You can keep it next to you, wherever you are. A great idea is to put one of the Power Pillows in a room with a lot of people, so anyone can have access to it, and it comes in handy when the power is out.

You can use a Power Pillow at work, at home, on a trip – wherever you want!

The package includes two batteries, two micro USB charging cables, one cable wallet and one soft battery housing (the pillow). The “most stylish and useful pillow you will EVER own” (according to its creators) can be yours at the price of £48 ($79).