Changes In Avian Behaviour

By Azanimals @azanimals
As the autumn months draw to a close and we begin to look towards the colder months ahead, a number of seasonal activities in the world of wildlife have started once again as animals all around the world are preparing themselves for the coming winter.

However, recent reports have indicated that the situation this year is not quite as "normal" as it has been in the past with a significantly warmer European November having led to some rather unexpected results, particularly in the avian world.

The migration of all kinds of birds further south to warmer climates in the winter is something which happens every year, but the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT) is concerned over the declining numbers of avian visitors that have been seen wintering in the UK in previous years.

Due to the warming world weather, it appears that birds don't need to migrate as far south as they used to in order to escape the cold with six out of the fifteen species studied, having also set off on their migration much later than normal (more than a month later for some).

Along with the declining numbers of wintering birds in the UK, it has also been reported that a duck in London has hatched her ducklings six months later than usual. This is thought to be due to the warm autumn weather and both mother and young are thought to be doing well.