Changes I've Made Since Having My Second Child

By Cait @caitscozycorner
Having a child really does change your life and the way you live it everyday. Regardless of your age, you're now not just in charge of yourself, but a little person as well!
1. Drinking Lots Of Water- I've shared many times on the blog how I constantly am finding new ways to drink more water because it's honestly not my favorite. Crazy right? Regardless, I'm able to really keep hydrated because of nursing and wanting to provide good nutrition for him in doing so. Plus, it not only keeps me healthy inside but my skin and hair have really benefited from it as well.
2. Prioritize Friends - This is a hard one. Since having kids, some of my friends didn't understand why I couldn't go out all the time or stay out until 3am anymore. Unlike them, I wasn't able to sleep until noon the next day which hey- when in college ;) Now that a few of them have kids of their own they get the whole 'we can't be out super late' anymore ha and now we just enjoy having our wine Mom nights at the house instead of heading out to the club.
3. Exercise - I really have made a big effort to keep in shape after having Landon a few months ago. Not that I dread the Mom bod anymore because let's face it, I can only do so much after having 2 kids, but that I just want to stay healthy and show them that it's great to be outside and keep your body in shape!
4. Vitamins- I started taking a Woman's One A Day vitamin after having kids because I notice a lot of changes with my body. For instance, my nails are awful and always cracking and chipping but since taking prenatal and other vitamins, they are so much stronger!
Have you made any changes since having your kids?