Changes for the New Year

By Bridgetbeari @Bridgetbeari

Well, here we are....  going into a New Year 2015. I've decided that this year will be the year of "Refining." I've become slightly obsessed with details - for myself and my design style. 

I want to design products and rooms that create interesting dynamics the between objects. It always takes so much time searching for the final details of room to get it just right - artwork and accessories. It's not about going to Home Goods and throwing some cheap stuff around. These are the critical details. 

Interior of HDG Architecture Office
It may be minimal but the details matter. So the first order of business will be to change some major rooms in my house. With the addition of my new courtyard I feel like the spaces are complete but now its the details.

 The second order of business will be to renovate some of the office spaces. Of course we are running out of space but we need a new look and a revamp. 

The third thing will be to refine me. I've been off coffee for 9 days now and feel great. I'm sneaking in the raw but hope to get back to 60/40 at least by March. Also more exercise since loosing my trainer last summer. I'll start polar bear swimming in March hopefully. 

Interior by Jenny Wolf
The fourth action item is to focus completely on details on my upcoming projects. I want to take more time on just the design aspects. I can do that now with the addition of my new team members. I'm freed up to design!!!  

and I love it !!!!
Even though last year was full of ups and downs, turmoil and uncertainty. 2015 is looking up already! 

This will be the year for travel as we leave tomorrow for Europe. Two weeks in London, Milan, Florence, Canale, and Rome and then again in February for Tulum Mexico for another project and a photo shoot. 

I want to soak it all in and be inspired by the great ones. My camera and sketchbook are ready for new ideas and inspirations

Interior by Piet Boon
 The fifth item will be to refine the details of the products we are selling. 

The wallpaper line is growing with new patterns coming out this year. We are shipping orders all over the country which still amazes me. We are working on a true wallpaper book not just loose samples. We have had offers to showcase our product in various places so this year is the time to decide on representation - showroom, retail store etc. 

Interior by Kate Hume 
I want to be inspired by others. I love our collaborative teams of graphic artists and writers. I couldn't do it without my fabulous team. 

The sixth action item and the final one will be to start some of the new product projects with vigor. The Color Rules Book proposal and the fabric line. We scraped the first attempt in total as I wasn't feeling it. There are always highs and lows but I love the journey. So follow along with me in 2015 or become a client and see what amazing things we can do for you!