Temperatures this week:
Lowest Min 10.2C
Lowest Max 19.9C
Highest Max 32.2C
7mm Rain
What's the weather been like in the garden?
Warm to hot conditions early in the week meant the 50% shade cloth covers went up. Only to have the weather change to cloudy, humid and stormy. Oh well the covers will protect the beds from any heavy rain or even hail. Like the storm in this post from 2 years ago.
Carrot Early Nantes DT Brown Organic
Carrot Lunar White New Gippsland Seeds
Carrot Purple Dragon Home Saved Seeds
Carrot Solar Yellow New Gippsland Seeds
Radish Long Scarlett DT Brown
Radish Saxa 2 Mr Fothergills Organic
Black Wattle Acacia decurrens Cornucopia Seeds
Pink Silk Tree Albizia julibrissin Cornucopia Seeds
Mulga Acacia aneura Chris from Under the Chestnut Tree
First of the Trees For Life seeds:
Hakea Wattle Acacia hakeoides
Umbrella Wattle Acacia oswaldii
Prickly-leaved Wattle Acacia nyssophylla
Hard-leaved Wattle Acacia sclerophylla
Dryland Tea Tree Melaleuca lanceolata
Potting up/on:
Watermelon Blacktail Mountain
Watermelon Golden Midget
Watermelon Sugarbaby
Planting out:
Tomato Black Russian
Tomato Green Zebra
Tomato Tommy Toe Yellow
In the Garden This week:
The original planting of Carrots in the Dog Pen Bed has failed. The earwigs ate every one of the newly germinated seedlings!!! I know better than to try and plant carrot seed into a bed that has not been completely cleared of all other plant growth and mulch.
A cleared bed has no hiding places for these little beasts.
I have added a mesh trellis to the hoop-arch to allow 1 Potimarron Pumpkin to grow over.
Tomatoes were planted here after adding some organic fertilizer and lots of worms and their castings.
Out the back the Loganberries are nearly ripe
and the Thornless Blackberries are flowering!
The Black Sultana Grapevine over the pergola is in flower.
We check the vine daily for these Vine Moth Caterpillars
and squish them as we find them!
Weekly Harvest Tally:
Doesn't include Greens fed to the chooks on a daily basis or herbs picked for use in the kitchen for cooking or tea making.
Broad Beans Early Long Pod***3132g
Mangelwurzel roots***18955g
Peas Sugar Snap***145g
16 From the 5 Farmyard Ferals
16 From the 4 Barnevelders
20 From the 5 Faverolles
To see how the various Garden areas fit on our half acre block check out the newest Map of our place HERE
The Main Vegetable Garden layout for 2010 can be found HERE