Chanel Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2012

By Bostonista @thebostonista

If anyone could get Paris's Grand Palais to reopen a room closed off for 70 years it would be Karl Lagerfeld. He staged Chanel's Haute Couture collection at the Grand Palais as usual but in the Chanel customized Salon d'Honneur. 
So, the French's love affair with Lagerfeld is still burning strong but I think I'm becoming a tad disillusioned.  La fatigue Chanel?! Oui! Oh non!
Karl's vision of future vintage was for a far more substantial woman than I. 
Of course the craftsmanship at Chanel is always impecable but how many variations of the classic Chanel suit can there really be?
I was delighted with the doll faced makeup, since thats my personal cosmetic style, and all of the accessories from the hair nets to the cuffed, fingerless "gloves".
Finally, I was excited to see my current favorite model, Lindsey Wixson, was cast as The Bride this season. It was a more whimsical moment than the rest of the collection so Lindsey's face was the perfect fit. I hope Karl is developing a Lindsey obsession to rival his love of Freja Beha Erichsen! Doesn't she look like a swan princess? (All Photos Appear Courtesy of Style.Com)