Chanel Buscuits Anyone?

By Nogarlicnoonions @nogarlicnoonion

Someone is always somewhere at the right time and Instagram is always there to capture that moment in history…creating a buzz like no other, that’s for sure, at least this photo did for me. And I thought, am I seeing right…? Chanel chocolate biscuits? For a split of second, I thought I must try these…

Sadly that’s not going to happen…Why? This box of chocolate biscuits is one of the many amazing food related items created as props for a fashion show – not just any fashion show, but one orchestrated by Karl Lagerfeld, who transformed the Grand Palais in Paris into a supermarket. An actual real one stacked with caviar, salmon and other exclusive food items branded in Chanel. This was the set up The Chanel Autumn Winter 2014 Paris Fashion Week Show

Thanks for bursting my bubble Mr. Lagerfeld! We shall keep hoping…

Photo from instagram nytimesfashion @altamiranyc