Chance-Vought F4U-4 Corsair

By Htam

@ Colorado Springs Airport, CO

January 2014

Jim Tobul’s Corsair was getting some work done when I toured Westpac Restoration located at the Colorado Springs Airport.  The gull-wing design of the F4U Corsair makes the aircraft one of the most distinctive fighters of World War II.  First flown on May 29, 1940, it was the first single-engine fighter able to exceed 400 mph in level flight.  This example was discovered dismantled in an orchard and underwent a ten-year restoration by Jim and Joe Tobul.  In 1991 “Korean War Hero” took to the skies and went on the airshow circuit until a crash in 2002 that killed Joe Tobul.  Jim stored the wreckage for six years, then a three-year restoration effort got her airworthy once again.  This Corsair is part of the U.S. Navy Legacy Flight program where it is part of airshow heritage flybys.  Nikon D300 w/18-200 mm, processed with Photomatix Pro and Aperture.