Can I just say how easy this was?
All I needed was a little less than a yard of fabric, a few upholstery staples, and the chair looks so much better!
A seat cushion change is one of the easiest things you can do with the highest impact. Just unscrew the seat, and remove the old staples. (luckily our cushion was in good shape, otherwise that's an easy fix too)I used the old fabric as a template to cut the new fabric. Stretch the fabric tight over the cushion, and staple the heck out of it. Boom. Done. Here's a little before/after for you:
I wanted to paint the chair -- and I still might -- but the husband prohibited it. He loves the dark color. We'll see about that. It is part of a master bedroom mini-makeover we're working on right now, so I'll show you soon how it all comes together soon!