CHA Banners of Hope

By Cbdesigns @cherylboglioli

I am thrilled to be participating with the Banners of Hope project sponsored by CHA Fabric Arts Council and Charity Wings Art Center.   These banners are created by designers from around the world – using all different mediums -  which display creativity with an inspirational message of HOPE.   After CHA, these Banners will go ‘on tour’ traveling to hospitals, shelters, children’s & senior homes, and charity locations.

I can’t wait to see all these banners together.

Here is the banner I created.  Don’t pay attention to my crooked stitches though.  Yes, they weren’t straight, but the photo is skewed to make it look even worse. 

It started with a simple piece of raw canvas.  Using some Faber-Castell Gelatos™ as well as some Golden Heavy Body paints to create this turquoise background.

I drew the dandelions by freehand and even decided to embrace my handwriting (which I hate) to write the message of Hope.  After painting in a few flying dandelion seeds, I decided to embellish them with a few hand-stitched fiber pieces.  It really added to the design.

I’ve got some pieces that are showing in a gallery show tonight as part of the Art Mundo 2014 Members Show, so I’ll have some updates on that soon too.

I’ll be at the CHA MegaShow for the next week.   I made time for me this year and will have some extra free time to walk around and take pictures.   I’ll be sure to share many of these over at my Cheryls Window Facebook Page so make sure you are a Fan there and you can keep up with peeks!

Thanks for stopping by.