
By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
Hi lovely people! Sorry that I've been kinda MIA. Turns out I have pyelonephritis...well had. I think I'm over it now. It's a really bad kidney infection, and let me tell y' was the sickest I've been in quite some time. I won't go into detail (you're welcome) but I basically lived on the couch for 5 days.
Moving on to the point of this post...
If you've been with me for awhile, you know that I have lots of things that I want to do in life. I've wanted to be an event planner, I've wanted to be a personal trainer, and I've wanted to be an elementary school teacher. I'm sure there are 100 other ones that I'm forgetting to list ;) I've always struggled in making up my mind and let's be honest...I have commitment issues when it comes to choosing a career. 
I currently work with my family for an A/C business. A job that I am extremely grateful for and got me through college with the schedule flexibility that I needed to still be able to take classes. It's also been great in getting Glisten up and going (the website is almost done, yay!) But I'm ready to branch out. To move forward. I don't expect Glisten to pay all of my bills, and plus Glisten is almost more of a hobby for me than a career. I don't know what the future holds, but that's what the case is for now.
I've always gone back and forth with the idea of becoming an elementary school teacher. But I didn't want to have education as my undergrad major for some reason. I regretted that once I graduated. So I applied for USF's Masters of Arts in Teaching Elementary Education program and got accepted. You can read the essay that I wrote for that program here. I was supposed to start those classes in January of this year, but didn't end up registering for them. The price tag and time commitment scared me away.
I let the teaching thing go and moved on. Or so I had thought. 
Recently, it started eating at me again. I would see people pinning education things on Pinterest and found myself creating a "secret" education board for myself. My heart always brought me back to wanting to be a teacher. I can't explain it. I just feel called to do this. So...
I'm going back to school! That's what the interview that I told y'all this outfit was for yesterday:

To see if I qualified for the Educator's Preparatory Institute at my local community college. And I did! I start classes in August and will graduate from the program in April 2014. It's a quick program, since I already have a bachelor's degree. It's basically an alternative certification program for the state of Florida so that I am qualified to teach. I'll have the opportunity to sit and observe an elementary school class and student teach!
If all goes according to plan, I'll be teaching by August of next year...CRAZY!
So yep, now you're filled in! I am such a firm believer in going after your dreams. ALL of your dreams. Don't hold back :)