C.G. Jung – A Letter on Astrology

By Luphil

Some days ago, a friend and astrologer from Seattle sent me a photo of a letter of C.G. Jung from a correspondence with professor B.V. Raman, an Indian astrologer / editor from Bangalore dated September 6th 1947. I transformed the photo into a PDF for easier sharing.

In the letter, Jung does the following interesting statements:
“Since you want to know my opinion about astrology I can tell you that I’ve been interested in this particular activity of the human mind since more than 30 years. As I am a psychologist I am chiefly interested in the particular light the horoscope sheds on certain complications in the character. In cases of difficult psychological diagnosis I usually get a horoscope in order to have a further point of view from an entirely different angle. I must say that I very often fund that the astrological data elucidated certain points which I otherwise would have been unable to understand. From such experiences I formed the opinion that astrology is of particular interest to the psychologist, since it contains a sort of psychological experience which we call “projected” – this means that we find the psychological facts as it were in the constellations. This originally gave rise to the idea that these factors derive from the stars whereas they are merely in a relation to synchronicity with them. I admit that this is a very curious fact which throws peculiar light on the structure of the human mind.
What I miss in astrological literature is chiefly the statistical method by which certain fundamental facts could be scientifically established.

Hoping that this answer meets your request I remain
yours sincerely
C.G. Jung”

The letter reminds me of the explications Dr. E. Krishnamacharya (Master EK) in his book “Wisdom of the Heavens” (PDF), where he gives excellent explications on the nature of astrology. This might answer what Jung gives as missing in astrological literature about establishing certain fundamental facts statistically:

” ‘Is astrology a science or an art?’ You can further enquire. It is a science while learning and art while applying. It has the same position as that of medicine and law… Healing is an art though medicine is a science. Same is the case with astrology. … When a prescription fails to cure, when a legal advice fails to restore justice, or when a prediction fails to come true, the fault is in the practitioner but not in the science… Man can foresee that there will be a sunrise tomorrow and if he does not kill himself in the name of religion or politics. Such experience forms the basis for the Wisdom of the Heavens. Whenever the basis is illumined by the sacred lamp of pure perception through the torch of quest, there is the development of the astrological science. Through this wisdom, man can foresee the will of his Creator and await His command… We prefer to follow such sciences. We read the symbols of this science and interpret in terms of man’s tendencies, seeds, reactions and results. We teach what we know. We interpret what we see. If man were to talk to His Father it is through the vault of Heavens. The wisdom of the stars should be the language… Astrology is the true key of spiritual wisdom which we call the ‘Science of Man’.”