CFP: Individuality, Distinguishability, and (Non-)Entanglement, Bonn, 15-17 March 2018

By Wuthrich

Tomasz Bigaj, Jeremy Butterfield, Adam Caulton, Laura Felline, Cord Friebe, James Ladyman, Øystein Linnebo, Andrea Lubberdink, Fred A. Muller, Simon Saunders, Tina Wachter

Regarding the ontology of quantum objects, there are two main views: either such objects violate Leibniz’s Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles (PII), or the PII can be saved but only in an extremely weak sense. However, based on a careful distinction between pure permutation invariance and physical entanglement matters may be interpreted very differently; particularly, one might be able to save the PII in a strong sense. In light of this new twist, we will reconsider the historical background of the debate on the PII, its logical aspects (e.g. the ‘labelling problem’), and the pertinent metaphysical commitments.

This International Workshop is organized as an event of the DFG project Individuality, Distinguishability, and Entanglement.

Internationales Zentrum für Philosophie, Poppelsdorfer Allee 28, 53115 Bonn

Participation is free, but limited. To register, please send an email to
ksalimkhani[at] or tina.wachter[at] with your name and affiliation.


Kian Salimkhani
Tina Wachter

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