CFA: Summer School “Particle Physics at the Crossroads: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Past, Present and Future of Particle Physics”

By Wuthrich

Call for Applications (deadline 31 January 2018)

The Research Unit “Epistemology of the LHC” invites applications for the Summer School “Particle Physics at the Crossroads: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Past, Present and Future of Particle Physics” taking place 23-30 July 2018 in Wuppertal (Germany).

With the discovery of the Higgs boson, the last missing piece of the Standard Model of particle physics has been found. The “hunt” for the Standard Model particles has thus come to an end and new aims and challenges will take center stage in the practice of particle physics: precision measurements of the Standard Model’s parameters, the search for particles beyond the Standard Model, motivated in part by cosmological evidence, and the exploration of yet uncharted experimental and theoretical territory. To meet these challenges ever more sophisticated and larger experimental facilities will be required as well as an ever more critical assessment of the virtues and shortcomings of various theoretical proposals. A better understanding of this new phase of particle physics calls for a concerted effort of physics and the social sciences reflecting on it.

Confirmed speakers are John Ellis, Ollof Hallonsten, Rafaela Hillerbrand, Martina Merz, Margarete Mühlleitner, Chris Smeenk, Kent Staley, Friedrich Steinle, Catherine Westfall and Christian Zeitnitz.

We invite up to 30 advanced students and early career researchers from the history, philosophy, and sociology of physics, as well as from physics itself to participate. The application process will be competitive and participants will be selected according to qualification and research interests. To apply, please send the following material in a single pdf file to

– a letter of motivation, no longer than two pages,
– a cv in tabular form,
– a list of publications (if available), and
– two academic references, i.e. contact details of two professors or established researchers who are willing to comment on your qualifications

A selection of participants will be able to give short presentations of their own work as part of the school. The presentations will be followed by a commentary from a member of the Research Unit. In case you intend to give a presentation, you should add to your application:

– the title of your talk, and
– a short abstract (between 300 and 500 words)

We offer a small number of stipends to participants with limited financing. To apply for a stipend, please also prepare and submit a letter, no longer than one page, explaining your financial situation.

Upon request, the participants will receive a confirmation that the summer school is equivalent to a workload of 2 ECTS.

For further information and practical details, please refer to

or contact the organizers Adrian Wüthrich and Florian Boge using the email address

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