Cervical Spondylitis and Its Herbal Treatment

Posted on the 07 September 2020 by Chandigarhayurved

Cervical Spondylitis is an age-related condition that affects the joints and discs in your cervical spine, which is in your neck. It’s also known as cervical osteoarthritis or neck arthritis. Cervical spondylitis usually occurs in middle age and elderly people. With age the disk of cervical spine gradually breakdown the lose fluid became stiffer. As a result of degeneration of disc and other cartilage, spur or abnormal growth called osteophyte may form on bone in the neck.

Causes of cervical Spondylitis

  • Aging- it is a major factor
  •  Sedentary lifestyle
  •  Bone spur
  •  Stiff ligaments
  •  Injury
  •  Herniated disc

Signs and symptoms

One common symptom is pain around the shoulder blade. Pain along the arm in the finger. The pain increases when: standing, sitting, sneezing, coughing, and tilting your neck backward. Muscle weakness makes it hard to lift the arms.

Other signs includes: stiff neck that becomes worse, headaches that mostly occur in the back of the head, tingling or numbness that mainly affects the shoulders and arms,

 Who is most at risk for getting cervical spondylitis?

Age is the major factor

Strain your neck often for your job, like looking overhead or downward for many hours every day or keeping your head at an improper position for long periods

Have a previous neck injury


Do heavy lifting like construction workers.

Ayurvedic view on Cervical Spondylitis

Cervical Spondylitis is disease in which vata is elevated. It is considered as Greeva Sthamba/ Greeva Graha/ Manya Sthamba in Ayurveda.

Main causes of Greeva Sthamba include consuming excess dry, cold, light food, fasting for a long duration, intake of junk food, consuming less water, poor sleep patterns, heavy exercise, carrying heavyweights on the head, neck or shoulder, driving long distances, poor reading or writing posture, stress, anger, excessive use of AC and fans, sitting long hours in front of the computer as well as advancing age.

Ayurveda aims to correct the imbalance of doshas that is responsible for causing this discomfort.

Cervical relief kit’ includes some of the natural herbs which can do direct work on the nerves and make them strong by which you can get rid of the pain. Ingredients used in this kit are mainly balancing the vata dosha which ultimately helps in the prevention of cervical spondylitis.


1. Nerve up tablet:

These tablets are pure ayurvedic formulation. Nerve up tablets help in balancing the vata doshas and kapha dosha. It acts as nervine stimulant. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchala, shudha shilajeet, abhrak bhasma, shankh bhasma, praval pishti etc. This tablet helps in Backache, Knee Pain, headache, bronchitis, depression.

2. Rasayan Vati:

Rasayan vati is a herbo-mineral Ayurvedic formulation which contains various herbs such as Aswagandha, Shilajeet, Amla, Shatavar, Javitri, etc. These ingredients show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, immune-modulator properties. These tablets provide good results in General debility, Psychological disorders, and improves immunity and help in cervical pain.

3. Pain-O-Kill Oil:

This herbal oil provides good results in body pain, stiffness, swelling, & inflammation. Massage with this oil relieves pain, stiffness, & swelling. Pain-O-Kill oil is prepared from herbal ingredients like Jyotishmati, Kustha, Devdaru, Vatsnabh, Rasna, etc. These all ingredients show anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, & analgesic properties.

4. Pain–O-Kill Syrup:

It includes ingredients like- Hadjod stem, Ashwagandha root, Shalaki gum, Suranjan sweet gum, Punarnava root, etc. This syrup helps in reducing the stiffness & rejuvenates the body tissues.

5. Panchsakar Churna:

Panchsakar Churna is an Ayurvedic formulation that consists of five ingredients named as – Saindhav Lavana, Swarnapatri, Shatapushpa, Shunti, and Balaharitaki. This churna is mainly beneficial in cases of disc prolapsed, cervical pain, lower back pain, ligament sprain, neck stiffness, sprain in muscle, tendons. Panchsakar churna helps to relax the muscles around the neck and also reduces the inflammation.

6. Detox Standard Powder:

These herbal sachets are prepared from ingredients such as Shankh bhasma, Sutshekhar ras, Parwal pishti, Shukta pishti, Giloy, Kamdudha ras, Shwet parpati that gives a calming effect on the stomach. These

What is the Panchakarma Treatment of Cervical Spondylitis?

There are different procedures in panchakarma that reduce pain, inflammation, & stiffness. Chandigarh Ayurved Centre recommends the following procedure for cervical spondylitis patients.

Snehapana – Cows ghee is the best Vata Shamak and acts best in degenerative diseases, Snehapana should be done with medicated cow ghee like Panchatikta Ghrit, Mahatikta Ghrit, etc.

Snehana – Swedana – External application of medicated oil followed by steam that relieves the muscle spasm around the neck.

Basti – Medicated enema is described as the best treatment for Vata diseases. Ayurvedic classics had mentioned Panchatiktakshir basti in the treatment of cervical spondylitis. 8-10 days of treatment with such basti shows marked improvement in this condition.

Manya Basti – It is also known as Greeva Basti. In this basti, neck region is bathed in a pool of medicated warm oil for at least 30 minutes.

Healthy Tips and Diet for Cervical Spondylitis

Avoid physical and mental exertion.

Increase intake garlic, turmeric, ginger, purified butter, vegetable soups, milk, almonds.

Get good sleep of 8 hours at least.

Have gentle body massage with lukewarm sesame oil.

Yoga postures like Bhujangasana (Cobra pose), Matsyasana (Fish pose), Dhanurasan (Bow pose) and Ujjai Pranayam are highly recommended for cervical pain.

Home remedies

Exercises such as Chin Tucks and side to side rotations can help to strengthen the neck muscles.

Exercise regularly, Neck rotation in the clockwise and anti-clockwise direction is helpful. Bending and stretching of the neck.

Use a heating pad or a cold pack on your neck to provide pain relief for sore muscles.

Last but not least avoid sitting in front of a computer for a long duration, take breaks in between work for 10 minutes for every hour and that will not only reduce pain but also keeps you relaxed to work better.