Ceres - Cratered - Electrically?

Posted on the 31 May 2015 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

bright flash of light on Ceres

Ceres, the 1,000 kilometres across dwarf planet or largest resident of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, is uniformly littered with far too many craters that are QUOTE ninety degrees axial to the center of the body UNQUOTE.
There are virtually no GICs or Glancing Impact Craters where an impactor has come in at any angle other than the perpendicular or ninety degree impact. Considering Ceres' low gravitational influence on its impactors, this is (statistically) highly improbable considering the arbitrary impact locations and directions of multiple random impacts from such random asteroid formation models where a larger body sweeps through a random field of debris.
You'd expect a certain amount or a certain number/percentage of GICs or smearing impacts in any such only-impact creation-model. So, what's really going on here? Electric Universe seems to think it has the answer to this peppering of perpendicular craters: EDC or Electric Discharge Craters.

What kind of 'recent' electrical-storm have we missed throughout the Solar System? Did it come from elsewhere as the bodies of our Solar System passed through (or were affected by) it? Or is it more of a localised phenomenon connected with World Creation?
If it's external to our Solar System i.e. a passing electrical cloud that interacts with the electrical field of our sun, could this ESW or Electrical Space Weather happen again? Should we start broadcasting reports about incoming electrical storms from outside our Solar System?