CerebralMix 2015-04-12: Ulysses Episode Fifteen

Posted on the 14 April 2015 by George De Bruin @SndChaser
CerebralMix 2015-04-12: Ulysses Episode Fifteen

This week we continue with parts three and four of the Circe episode from Ulysses.

This is the longest section of Ulysses, and somewhat ironically, it takes place in the shortest period of time within the novel.  This has to do with the nature of the hallucinations that occur in Stephen’s and Bloom’s minds throughout.  While each of their hallucinations take mere seconds of real-time, they are detailed and lengthy within the reading of the section.

The part of the hallucinations that is interesting from my perspective is that thee is a bleeding-through in them.  They contain references within them that the character that is having the hallucination cannot possibly know, given that they are from another characters timeline.  The fact that there is a relationship between Bloom and Stephen that might be seen as father and son is possibly reinforced by this choice: it suggests that there is a possibility of a collective conscious.  This is something that has been the subject of speculation in other novels, such as ‘As I Lay Dying’ by William Faulkner.


In the past I’ve actually included the text of the poems or stories as part of the show notes. In the case of Ulysses that would be a bit on the incredibly heavy side. Instead I have produced a guide: CerebralMix Ulysses Series that provides the references that I am using, along with a show guide to the whole broadcast of this series.

Listen Hear


Start Artist Track Title License

00:00:00 SndChaser CerebralMix Ulsses Ep 15 Intro

00:00:19 Nirgoona Project Anticipation Part 2

00:05:06 SackJo22 Let’s Sing (ft George Elinas with Snowflake)

00:08:23 Altus Dulcet

00:14:53 Mokhov Future Hope

00:18:27 Mr. Moods Sex On The Beach

00:22:07 DJ Habett Tickets to drift upon

00:26:02 Phone Booth Robbers Circuit Bending The Universe At Your Desk

00:33:31 Talk Less, Say More Let’s Be True To One Another

00:36:42 Dr RemiX 60-40 Riddim

00:41:45 SndChaser CerebralMix Ulysses: Circe Pt 3

01:29:58 Cousin Silas and Steve Austin Rose Dreaming

01:35:23 The Fucked Up Beat disaster porn. the nihilist myth of collapse

01:39:03 PeerGynt Lobogris Candles & Purple Leaves

01:42:43 Seasonable Project Desert Star

01:47:46 Eternal Jazz Project Give me Five, Rosanna

01:51:56 SndChaser CerebralMix Ulysses: Circe Pt 4

02:43:43 EXIT project Lahorijan

02:47:42 The Impossebulls Strictly Hiphop

02:51:31 Spinning Clocks Silver UFOs

02:54:32 Mista 93 Acid Boom Bap

02:58:43 SndChaser CerebralMix Ulysses Ep 15 Outro

02:59:21 James Kibbie BWV650 Kommst du nun, Jesu, vom Himmel herunter auf Erden


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