CerebralMix 2015-01-11: Ulysses Episode Two

Posted on the 13 January 2015 by George De Bruin @SndChaser

CerebralMix 2015-01-11

CerebralMix 2015-01-11

This week we are focused on the Proteus and Calypso sections of Ulysses. The show takes a turn for a bit of the more narrative oriented as over half of the show is dedicated to two sections of Ulysses. The music, meanwhile, has taken a step into the more ambient and experimental domain. This is possibly a reflection of the more free-flowing style of the narrative that includes some really wonderful and funny turns. I was exceptionally amused by the line “By the way go easy with that money like a good young imbecile.”

Of course, as you listen to the readings, there are lots of lines like these throughout.  It’s all a matter of keeping focus on the wild words whirling about like a bird.  Have fun listening.


In the past I’ve actually included the text of the poems or stories as part of the show notes.  In the case of Ulysses that would be a bit on the incredibly heavy side.  Instead I have produced a guide: CerebralMix Ulysses Series that provides the references that I am using, along with a show guide to the whole broadcast of this series.

Listen Hear

Duration: 02:59:59 Published by SndChaser under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.


Start Artist Track Title License

00:00:00 SndChaser CerebralMix Ulysses Ep 2 Intro

00:00:30 Horrible Present Colors

00:05:49 Morphine Bandit Spirals And Lines

00:12:56 Testarossa CA Il tocco della falena

00:17:47 Mported Flows Mic Drones (XtraRaw Mixx) (Featuring Illus)

00:21:29 dustmotes Horror Vacui – Sparse Mix (feat. Madeleine Bloom)

00:27:14 A104 paula Daunt And Skull Drones Synapse Failure

00:30:25 SndChaser CerebralMix Ulysses Ep 2: Proteus

01:12:27 brokenkites Fading Colors

01:16:26 Color Kings Ghost Of Love

01:20:29 Olga Scotland Colored Bird Knocks on the Window

01:24:05 Ujjaya La sentinelle (The sentinel)

01:27:42 Zebra Kills Horse Tobio lost in the forest

01:31:08 Hypp fractal Nightfall

01:35:30 Cousin Silas Urban Desolation

01:42:55 acrilic colors groove o’clock

01:49:42 Belly Full of Stars Vikings

01:53:23 Jihel The Fathomless Caves III

01:57:36 SndChaser CerebralMix Ulysses EP 2: Calypso

02:38:47 Ade Hodges Obsidian Night

02:43:35 Re-Lab Colores Olvidados – Blanco

02:47:25 Michele Di Molfetta Pianoforti

02:53:52 Cousin Silas and Ade Hodges The Throbbing Engines Coalesced Into Dreamtime

02:59:23 SndChaser CerebralMix Ulysses Ep 2 Outro

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