CEO To Worker Pay Ratio In U.S. Is Outrageous

Posted on the 29 March 2015 by Jobsanger

This chart shows just how out-of-whack the pay scale in the United States really is. In the United States, CEO pay is about 331 times the pay of a worker. No other country even comes close to such a huge ratio. Canada is second with slightly more than a 200 to 1 ratio, and all other developed nations come in at less than half of the United States ratio.
Considering the much smaller ratio in all the other developed nations, there is no real justification for the huge salaries of CEO's in the United States. And these are 2011-2012 numbers. It has only gotten worse since then -- since the management and owners of the corporations have gotten well over 90% of the increased income in the years since then (while worker pay has remained stagnant, and actually lost buying power due to inflation).
This is a direct result of the Republican's "trickle-down" economic policies. It has created an economy that favors the rich and the corporation, while penalizing all other groups (resulting in a disappearing middle class and growing poverty). We already have one of the most unequal economies of any developed nation (and many undeveloped nations). If we don't change this soon, we'll become a nation of "haves" and "have-nots" -- and that would be disastrous not only for our economy, but also for our democracy.