Celebrity Top 3

Posted on the 27 August 2011 by Karibestrycki @bloglikeitshot

Kate Winslet – Superhero

Photo Courtesy: people.com

Even though she was already a superhero in my eyes, Kate Winslet has made it officially okay to walk around this Earth with a cape on for the rest of her life.

The Academy Award winner was taking some much deserved time off with her children and her new bf (Leo, he’s just a fill-in until you are ready). They were vacationing at Richard Branson’s Caribbean home, Great House on Necker Island.

Branson stated that the fire broke out around 4 a.m. during a tropical storm. Kate, Louis (her bf) and her children Mia and Joe all made it out unharmed. Along with the Winslet clan, there were 16 others staying at the Branson house. The culprit – lighting is to blame for completely destroying the home.

So why is Kate a superhero in all of this? Well, she carried Eve, Branson’s 90-year-old mother out of the burning house! Winslet told The Sun, “I’m just so glad that everyone is safe. And this very easily could not have been the case.”

I have made a decision, decision made: Kate Winslet must be a bionic woman. Not only does she carry people out of burning buildings, she also can swim her heart out and survive in sub-zero temperatures…remember that boat she was on that sank?

Kate – you are officially my favises superhero. Keep saving lives and keep winning Oscars.

A third Mini Affleck is on the way!

Photo Courtesy: midnightdresses.com

This week Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck told the world that they are having baby number tres (check out my bilingual skills). A very surprising but exciting announcement!

Now I have to hand it to Jennifer. This is her third baby! That means this is her third time being pregnant. I always make the mistake of watching those shows on birthing children and they scare the living daylights out of me. I always think to myself, “you don’t come back from that.” Discovery Health channel likes to make every woman on Earth paranoid and televise shows like, “I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant.” I am about three episodes away from starting a petition to stop this show from ruining lives! No woman wants to sit there and think, “Am I pregnant right now?” Holy crow!

Okay, done with that tirade. The 3rd mini Affleck is expected to arrive in January or February. The Affleck’s are said to be “thrilled” to be expecting their third child. I wonder if they will finally get a Ben Jr. or stick with the lady gender. I really think this world could use a mini Ben Affleck…Suri Cruise will one day be looking for a husband.

Jennifer – In the fall, I am taking a class called Event Planning. By the time you are ready for your baby shower, I will be fully trained. I’ll send you my business card. Congrats!

Lohan rebuffs Pitbull

Photo Courtesy: weheartit.com

Lindsay Lohan has lawyer’d up. Why? Because Pitbull has a single out right now called, “Give Me Everything.” I’m sure you have heard it; it’s played approximately every 4.3 minutes somewhere in the world. There is one particular phrase that mentions the one, the only…Lindsay Lohan. The line is as follows: “I got it locked up like Lindsay Lohan.”

Well I guess Lindsay didn’t take this as a complement and she decided to file a lawsuit against Pitbull! Apparently Lohan and her legal team are claiming that this is defaming her character and blah, blah, blah. Lindsay, remember that time you were, in fact, locked up? I remember, I even won $18 in my office pool for guessing what day you would be released.

My favorite part of this tale is when Lindsay was at Kim Kardashian’s wedding and the band played this exact song! It was reported that many of Kim’s guests got up and danced, but Lindsay remained a Debbie Downer and stayed seated…boo you whore.

In an attempt to smooth things over, Pitbull has invited Lindsay to this Sunday’s VMAs, where he will be performing “Give Me Everything.” According to MTV.com, Pitbull states, “But either [way], I said, ‘You know what? Performing it at the VMAs, would like to invite her out,’ ” he continued. “And anybody who knows my reputation [knows I] don’t do no publicity stunts. I’m not really about none of that. … So I said it, I meant it, and if she takes it, great. If she doesn’t, cool. But she will have her tickets at will call.”

I don’t understand…Lindsay sues this beautiful Cuban man and still gets a date out of the deal. Ugh. Lindsay, please don’t sue me…I own nothing.