Celebrities Going Gray!

By Cefashion @cefashion

Not only has the color gray been prominent in clothing and accessories for both men and women this year, but it has also crossed over into hair color. In the guys’ world, gray hair has been sort of a right of passage and deemed its male wearers as distinguished, rather than old. It has not been so for the females in society, who have been out-numbered by those still holding on to their original hair color, long after it has passed.  Recently, however, gray is the new hair color of choice among the younger set.

 Celebrities like George Clooney have sported gray locks and facial hair for years, without a flinch from the public and women have not waivered in their attraction to him since he played a young Medical Resident on the TV show ER. Then, women like Jamie Lee Curtis “gave up the bottle” and showed that she was comfortable with her image in a gray pixie cut. Today, there has been a surge of celebrities of all ages that have gone gray.

One example is the Pop Rock Singer Pink, who has traded her bleach blonde spiky hair in for a shimmery soft, short hairdo in a beautiful steel gray. It actually goes great with her skin tone and dark eyes. The nose ring and multiple piercings add to the “hip-ness”. Next singing celebrity to go over to the gray side is Adam Lambert. He has always been known for his unique looks and his new two-tone, spiked haircut is the perfect compliment to his charcoal and steel gray sports jacket, deep black button-down shirt, and his rounded sunglasses. He is the ultimate in Rocker Chic.

Lastly, actor Patrick Dempsey, who has been saving lives for years on the long-running TV show “Grey’s Anatomy”, has slid into the distinguished category with his salt and pepper hair, proving that you can still be “Mc-Dreamy” as you age.