
By Artbycedar

This painting has been finished for awhile but I’ve been waiting to post it because I wanted to share it with my critique group first and get their feedback on it. After hearing their comments, I’m happy leaving it as it is. Although it’s a star-scape, amongst the things it made the group think of were waterfalls and explosions. The consensus was that with its bright colors, and everything flowing freely out from the intense white center, this painting definitely communicates a feeling of celebration!

24″ x 18″
Oil on Canvas
© Cedar Lee, All Rights Reserved

Here’s a photo of me with two of the members of my critique group from our last meeting (me in the center):

I am so inspired by this group of local artists and we’re all helping each other grow our work in new ways.

This weekend I hope to go hiking in the mountains despite the cold temperatures (well, cold by SoCal standards anyway). It has been endlessly amusing to me in the short time I’ve been here, the amount of fuss that people make about cold–they can’t stand anything below 50 degrees and make a huge deal about it when it gets chilly. But, I have to admit, I really think I am starting to become one of them! Brrrr….

I’m going to be in the studio a lot next week, working on several new things at once. Give me a week or two and fresh new paintings will be unveiled.