Celebrating Randomness

By Meplusmytrainer @meplusmytrainer
So I need to start this post off by personally inviting YOU to connect with ME! If you read this blog...I love you. No question. So let's connect. I am everywhere! 

You can find me on Facebook or Twitter this weekend! I would love to get to 200 likes on Facebook and 500 followers on Twitter by the end of the weekend. Spread some fitness love and let's connect!

This weekend has given me a chance to reflect on all of the things I am grateful for. Hmmm, before you roll your eyes and think to yourself that this post is going to be really cheesy you can relax! It won't be cheesy. In fact I won't even bore you with all the details of all of the things I am grateful for but trust me there are lots of them. Some are big ones like my health and others are small like the fact that I just turned on the TV and one of my FAVVVVVOURITE episodes of The Simpsons is on (the stone cutters one). I have to warn you, I am feeling a little random today.

For those of you who know me, know I am a pretty positive person. I try to surround myself with like minded people who are not just fitness enthusiasts, but life enthusiasts. I remember one time my friend Jodi and I were on an elevator with a few other people. We had just come from the gym in our condo building and we were chatting, laughing and carrying on. The other crustaceans in the elevator just glared at us. When really we should have been glaring at THEM for trying to kill our fitness buzz. Fitness-y people are just better. It's probably all of the extra endorphins kicking around. There, I said it. The one thing I will share is that I am grateful for all of the people in my life that are on a fitness journey with me. Co workers, friends and family all fall into this in some way. Whether it's a running buddy, a dead lift buddy or a PlankADay buddy. I love you. Muah, muah, muah! xo

Today I did a 60 minute Hot Yoga class at GoodLife Fitness. I stepped outside of my comfort zone today and did a few new poses:

Shoulder Stand:

This pose is considered to be one of the best yoga asanas and it is very popular with yoga practitioners. However, this pose must be accompanied by deep breathing, otherwise it will not be more than an acrobatic looking position. The shoulder stand pose was also adopted by gymnasiums and sports training facilities and it can be performed both by men and women with maximum efficiency. 

Fish Pose:

The fish pose is the natural successor of the shoulder stand and it is recommended that you practice it as a counter pose to the stand. The pose implies a compression of the spine and neck as opposed to the stretch obtained while in the shoulder stand or Bridge and Plough poses.
Might I comment here that you can use a block as well for fish pose. I love it! I am officially requesting fish pose and shoulder stand in every yoga class I do! As always, post hot yoga "operation hydration" is officially under way. 

I think it's time for some Sweet Randomness...don't you? 

Random facts about me: 

1. I love Mondays because I love my job. 

2. I cannot properly focus on more than one thing at a time. 
3. Ever since I had laser eye surgery to correct my vision, I think about buying glasses all the time for fashion.
4. My favorite all time breakfast cereal is Corn Pops. But I never eat them any more. It turns out they are pretty unhealthy. 

I open the floor to you! Share something completely and utterly RANDOM about yourself. Nothing is too weird or random. No one will judge you. It's pretty cathartic in fact. I can't wait to see what you guys share! GO!

Happy Reading,
