Celebrating National Stationery Week During Lockdown

Posted on the 26 April 2020 by Sim @simslifeblog

Anyone else noticed the similarities between Lockdown and Groundhog Day? If you have got to this point of the week and actually know what day it is, then I salute you! Did you realise that this week has been National Stationery Week though?

A week in which we celebrate all the glorious stationery that allows us to write, communicate and generally feel better!

If ever there was a time to put pen to paper, this is it! Not that we are likely to want to remember 2020, the year we experienced lockdown due to Covid-19, but in years to come, a lockdown diary will help the next generation understand what we are currently living through.

Writing is cathartic, there is no doubt about that. Whether you write to hopefully publish your work in the future, or write simply for yourself. Getting your feelings, thoughts, musings and even doodles out there can help boost your mood and wellbeing. I have previously written about how writing can boost your wellbeing - all you need is a journal and a pen!

Having a special pen, specifically for journalling makes you want to pick it up and scribe. This gorgeous ball point pen from Cross (gifted as part of the #NatStatWeek campaign) is part of a huge selection of writing instruments that make you want to write! Whether you prefer the almost hypnotic flow of a fountain pen or the edginess of a ball point pen, there really is something for all. Check out the Cross pens site for more inspiration!

Just before lockdown, Staples sent through a wonderful pack of their range to celebrate National Stationery Week. At the time I had thought it would be perfect for Liv for when she starts secondary school later in the year. Little did I know that we would be homeschooling and would use the stationery bundle a little sooner than expected!

Little did I know when I agreed to take part in the #NatSatWeek campaign that the stationery featured would come into really good use! Lockdown has seen both Liv and I showcase our creative side a little more, you can check out what we have been up to recently in our what we have been up to during lockdown post.

I have certainly been finding more time to read during lockdown, if anything, I've read more books than occasions I have washed my hair. All thanks to the wonderful book hamper we pass on our daily walk - you check it out on my Instagram post here.

Looking for ideas on how to be creative during lockdown... why not:

  • Write a journal/time capsule piece to yourself, to look back on in 5/10 years time? Involve the whole family!
  • Get arty and involve the whole family in an art contest - lockdown art for you to keep, frame and decorate your home.
  • Create a 'What to do after Lockdown' jar - write down activities you want to do after lockdown on individual pieces of paper and when you venture out again, pull out a family activity for you all to take part in.
  • Challenge your household to write a story (all with the same theme) and offer a performance of all the stories.

There are so many creative ideas you can do as a household to keep boredom at bay. The nicer weather takes activities outside into the great outdoors, where new inspiration can be found. Some of the greatest writers found inspiration to write novels we know and love today when out and about - and it all started with a pen and paper!

How have you celebrating National Stationery Week 2020? Have you found the lockdown has inspired you to write? Don't forget to check out #NatStatWeek on social media to check out other creative ideas!