Celebrating/ DIY Bug 'em Treat Bags

By Myjoneses
Celebrating!  This is my 90th blog post since I started back in April.  And Keeping Up With My Joneses  reached over 4,000 page views last week.  Thank you for all the love and support and tuning in to read about my little slice of life!
Tomorrow night I've got a date with an owl and a shark to do some trick or treating, so we're starting the week off early with a post tonight.  
DIY Bug 'em Treat BagsHave you seen these?  Hallmark has these Bug 'em treat bags to fill up with cards and goodies, I've seen them around since Valentine's day.  They are so cute, but $10 a piece. SO......I decided to make my own for the boys' Halloween surprise.  Here's a quick photo tutorial, I think most of it is self explanatory.  All the pieces are made out of felt, hot glued together and then I stitched green, purple thread for an accent on the front.
They're packed full of chocolate pumpkins, smarties and a sucker for each boy.  Although Sage will get some help eating his!Here's a step by step photo tutorial:

  We're not Buggin' Happy Halloween!
Looking forward to this treat for the adults after trick or treating......Cookies n' Cream CheesecakeHave a fun and safe night!Subscribe in a reader