Celebrate Small Things: June 6, 2014

By Bameskaur Pabla @bameslive
It is a scorcher of a day -- 44*C (111.2*F) -- and the next few days are predicted to be much hotter. As much as the heat makes me feel like crying; I am afraid my tears will simply boil my face off so I stay indoors where it is about 8 degrees cooler. 

This week, there are soooo many things to celebrate but I shall narrow my list down a bit. 

1. My urine, blood and cyclosporine level tests results made my doc smile (and me do ze happy dance) because they show great improvement.

2. Wonder of wonders that power, though it still goes out, does not go out as often as it did last year. With temperatures the way they are, we desperately need the power to stay on. 

3. A very good friend of mine -- who I haven't seen in years -- is coming to India for a visit. She will be staying with us for a few weeks :)

4. Plucky, our Labrador, got a new harness which he and I love because he does not drag me along as forcefully as he normally did before without the harness.

5. I managed to get Stephen King's latest book on my Kindle... though I have absolutely no idea when I will ever manage to read it. 

6. Plus many, many more celebration-worthy things... ;)

Whatever it is you are celebrating this week; I am celebrating with you.