Celebrate Small Things -- July 11, 2014

By Bameskaur Pabla @bameslive

The past weeks have been rather hectic. An old friend was visiting and that meant I had to maintain my tourist guide persona for quite a while. However, she has gone to Germany so things are slowly going back to normal at home. 

This week, there are quite a few things I am really celebrating:

1. Got my blood tests done (results due in a day or two) without any problems and long lines at the path lab (Yay!)

2. The edema that came back with a vengeance due to all the roaming around I did is slowly tapering down -- finally (autoimmune problem me have and me not supposed to be roaming around in the first place -- please don't tell my doc)

3. I found ice cream in the freezer!!! (I was about to look for something to cook for lunch and it was right there -- perfect for a hot and incredibly humid day)

4. My mobile phone bill is way down this month and that is definitely celebration worthy.

What have you got to celebrate? :)