Celebrate Halloween Or Fall with These New Books for Kids of All Ages

By Parentingauthor @ParentingAuthor
Fall has arrived, and Halloween will be here before we know it. Typically, Halloween is all about the costumes and candy, but I think we should start a movement to make Halloween all about the books! Some awesome books for kids have crossed my desk recently that celebrate Halloween or the season of autumn. They're all great for Halloween gift-giving for kids of all ages. Check them out!
For Ages 2-6
Peep and Egg: I'm Not Trick-or-Treating
by Laura GehlPictures by Joyce Wan
It's Halloween, and Peep is excited to go trick-or-treating with Egg. There's only one teensy problem: Egg is not trick-or-treating. It's way too scary. Too many monsters! But sometimes all you need to overcome your fears is a good friend by your side.
My favorite part: Peep tells funny Halloween jokes to make Egg feel less scared. Here's one: What do you call a witch at the beach? A sand-WITCH! Also, this is a Board Book, so it will withstand lots of handling by little hands!
Goldfish Ghost
by Lemony SnicketIllustrations by Lisa Brown
Goldfish Ghost was born on the surface of the water in a boy's room. Feeling lonely, he sets out to find some company. As he floats over the neighborhood, past the fishing pier and into a cheerful seaside town, he discovers that not many people pay attention to ghosts. Off he floats, searching for the perfect home and the perfect friend ... and then he hears a voice ...
My favorite part: Goldfish Ghost learns that making friends isn't easy, but if we keep trying, there's a friend for everyone, especially when we look for someone with whom we have a lot in common.
Ages 4-8
Monster Trucks
by Joy KellerIllustrations by Misa Saburi
It's off-season for monsters, but there's no rest for the undead! Monsters get to work -- paving roads, plowing snow, hauling much -- in their monster trucks. With a gentle bedtime ending, this not-too-scary story is perfect for younger monster and truck lovers.
My favorite part: This book is fun to read because it rhymes! It also teaches children that monsters won't bother them at night because they're too busy sleeping after a hard day at work.
Little Elliot, Fall Friends
by Mike Curato
Little Elliot and Mouse love the hustle and bustle of the city streets. But sometimes it feels like there are too many people, too many noises -- just too much! The friends decide to get out of town for a vacation in the countryside. There, they'll discover the sights and smells of autumn. Everything is more delicious when shared with a friend!
My favorite part: This book celebrates all of the best things about autumn: jumping in leaves, pumpkin patches, apple trees and pies!
For Ages 9-13
The Monster's Daughter
by Paul Gamble
During Jack Pearse's first week as an operative of the oddest top secret government agency ever -- the Ministry of SUITs -- he outsmarted a bear, survived a dinosaur stampede, and saved Northern Ireland from becoming the world's largest pirate ship. He thinks he's earned a bit of a rest. Unfortunately, with giant crabs staging jailbreaks, fancy bathing products blowing up bathrooms, and the Tooth Fairy coming after him with giant pincers, it looks like Jack and his incredibly dangerous partner, Trudy, are shaping up to have anther busy week.
My favorite part: I love the pages from the Ministry of SUITs Handbook that are spread throughout the book, which humorously describe and bust myths and mysteries (such as the monsters under your bed!).
Serafina and the Splintered Heart
by Robert Beatty
Something has happened to Serafina. She has awoken into a darkness she does not understand, scarred from a terrible battle, only to find that life at Biltmore Estate has changed in unimaginable ways. Old friends do unthinkable things and enemies seem all around.
A mysterious threat moves toward Biltmore, a force without a name, bringing with it violent storms and flooding that stands to uproot everything in its path. Serafina must uncover the truth about what has happened to her and find a way to harness her strange new powers before it's too late.
With only days to achieve the impossible, Serafina fights to reclaim herself as the guardian of Biltmore, friend of Braeden, daughter of her pa, and heroine of the Blue Ridge Mountains and all the folk and creatures that call them home.
My favorite part: This book is the third in a bestselling series, so readers who loved the first two books will definitely want to read this one!
For Kids Who Love Comics and Graphic Novels
Science Comics: Bats: Learning to Fly
Written and illustrated by Falynn Koch
Little Brown Bat has broken his wing. But fear not, little guy! Thanks to a friendly human, Little Brown Bat gets to recover at an animal rehabilitation center. While he's resting, he meets bat cousins from around the world. Giant fruit bats from Australia, insect-eating bats from the American Southwest, and even South America's vampire bat! All these new friends help Little Brown Bat understand why it's great to be batty.
My favorite part: This book is filled with fun facts for science lovers. For example, did you know that bats pollinate flowers, especially those that bloom only at night? Or that some bats are excellent at fishing?

Disclosure: I received complimentary books from the publishers. This post contains my Amazon affiliate link, and I will receive a small commission on purchases made through this link.