Celebrate Breakfast & A Book with Me @ H-E-B Plus

By Michelle Hernandez @Familylovesa
With the end of the school year nearing, a little progress report on my twins in dual-language Kindergarten classes - They have learned how to read in English and Spanish!  No biggie! Just some 5-year olds, doing their thing!  (BTW, it is a BIG deal, and I am super proud of them!)

One thing I love is finding books that are written in English and Spanish. We are going to have to keep up the reading during the summer, so I am super excited to share that Cheerios is giving away books such as these in their "Spoonful of Stories" program this year. Specially marked boxes will include a book, written in English and Spanish!
And as a special treat, San Antonio will host a "Breakfast & A Book" event this Saturday, April the 14th at the HEB Plus on 6818 S. Zarzamora at 10am.
Special guest reader, award-winning author Liz Garton Scanlon will read in-pack titles in English, including her own, Noodle & Lou and I will be reading in Spanish!
Not only will your children participate in a dual-language reading, they will get to take home FOUR FREE BOOKS and some Cheerios of course! Win-win!

Hope to see you there!