Celebrate 10 Years/10 Million Views with Me

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
By Elizabeth Prata

I've been blogging here daily for ten years. The Spirit has caused ten million viewings of the material at my site. It's a weighty responsibility to be given a spark to write about the glorious of the Son of God. I feel it.
I blog about things I hope are encouraging. I also blog about natural history topics, personalities in the Bible, theology, the prophecies of the Bible, and discernment items.
Though all believers are called to hone their discernment skills (Hebrews 5:14), to some He gave an extra dose, as a specially set apart gift of the Spirit. This is seen in 1 Corinthians 12:10,
To another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. (1 Corinthians 12:10).
I feel I've been given that gift and I feel strongly that I am called to employ it steadfastly, constantly, and without embarrassment or apology. As such, many of the essays here have been written for the purpose of warning others of the result of my tests to distinguish between spirits. As you might expect, many of those are essays that are in the top ten all time popular essays. There are some though you might be surprised to see as having been launched into the top ten and remaining there.
In 2016 the phenomenon of Chip and Joanna Gaines vaulted to Christian consciousness. These two are a popular HGTV renovation married couple with a passel of children who live in Waco, TX. They also say they are Christian. A short video testimony produced by Baylor University, a private Christian university in Waco, Texas, reveals that Joanna communed audibly with God, who promised her her heart's desire as she struggled with the notion of stay at home motherhood: a media platform and fame. He told her this.
Lots of plaudits ensued. 'Wow, a famous couple on TV who are also Christians!' I was saddened to see the lack of discernment from so many believers, and perplexed as to this couple overall, so I researched. As with Beth Moore and so many other famous Christian women, Joanna says one thing and does another, and the 'doing another' is usually antithetical to the roles the women have been biblically called to.
Joanna is President of a multi-million dollar mega-corporation with operations of and tentacles in book writing and publishing, speaking tours, restaurant, stores, furniture marketing, real estate, media stars on a TV show, and more. On television she presented herself as whole-heartedly devoted to her children, a humble, almost always stay at home, hammer wielding mum, but the reality is far from the truth. I dared to say so.
#4 most popular all-time essay-
The hypocrisy of HGTV's Chip and Joanna Gaines of 'Fixer Upper'
Coming in at #5 was my 2015 discernment essay about Dr. David Jeremiah
UPDATE, Dr David Jeremiah's shocking apostasy
#6 was a 2011 essay about Jentezen Franklin, the Law & Fasting false teacher
Jentezen Franklin, and his false teachings on fasting
#3 and #8 were my attempt to use discernment to debunk some of the more silly prophetical proclamations when the 4 Blood Moons occurred in 2013 and Comet Elenin was approaching in 2011. I enjoy studying prophecy and it grieves me when the glorious future promises through prophecy are abused and diminished in this way. I offered logic and scripture in a three-part series on the Blood Moon scenario, and it was the last in the series that launched into the top ten and stayed there.
Do the four blood moons of 2014-2015 have prophetic meaning? 3/3
And the same for Comet Elenin, a planet-sized previously undiscovered astronomical body predicted to pass between the earth an the moon in late 2011, fueling the increasingly manic 2012 doomsday scenarios.
Comet Elenin is coming
Tomorrow I'll close out this week's celebration with some essays that haven't been 'popular' but I enjoyed writing and are my own favorites.
Thanks for reading!