CDC Says Just 2.3 % Of The Population Self Identify As Gay Or Bisexual

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Here’s an article from The Washington Post giving what I believe are probably more accurate percentages of the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transtesticular/transcontinental/


OK folks, I don’t know about you, but this just makes no sense. Why are all these corporations bending over backwards ( Oops) to go out of their way to tick off the 96.6 % of the Country who are not homosexual? I mean they could just take a neutral stance. But no they come out and embrace what many find wrong.  Dr. Eowyn has a post just today on Betty Crocker doing just this. HERE.

I’m telling you this is a well orchestrated plan. 


By Sandhya Somashekhar July 15

Less than 3 percent of the U.S. population identify themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Tuesday in the first large-scale government survey measuring Americans’ sexual orientation.

The National Health Interview Survey, which is the government’s premier tool for annually assessing Americans’ health and behaviors, found that 1.6 percent of adults self-identify as gay or lesbian, and 0.7 percent consider themselves bisexual.

( That’s 2.3 % for those keeping count.)   :)

The overwhelming majority of adults, 96.6 percent, labeled themselves as straight in the 2013 survey.

( Let me go out on a limb here. If I was in marketing and went to my boss and said ” Let’s go after 2.3% of market while we piss off the other 96.6%” How long would I have a job? No friends something is rotten in Denmark. It just don’t make sense.

An additional 1.1 percent declined to answer, responded “I don’t know the answer” or said they were “something else.”

( Folks you just have to love the “I don’t know ” people of the world. )               

I don’t know either.

The figures offered a slightly smaller assessment of the size of the gay, lesbian and bisexual population than other surveys, which have pegged the overall proportion at closer to 3.5 or 4 percent. In particular, the estimate for bisexuals was lower than in some other surveys.

( In other words the other surveys were all wishful thinking!)

The inclusion of the sexual-orientation question in an influential survey used to guide government funding and research decisions was viewed as a major victory for the gay community, which has struggled with a dearth of data about its special health needs.

Rest Of WAPO story HERE!!
