Since I know you've all been anxiously anticipating the results of my "should I run more giveaways?" survey, I will now put you out of your misery:
Yes: 61%
It doesn't matter to me: 36%
No: 3%
The results actually surprised me a bit, as I was expecting a lot more "nos". Therefore to honor my readers, and also in honor of my recent blogiversary, I've decided to sponsor a contest that I would love to win myself!
As an avid magazine reader (it's genetic), I'm going to give away some Canadian magazine subscriptions...three in fact, and the winner can choose the magazines from the list below (I read every issue of every one of these great titles):
Canadian Family
Today's Parent
Parents Canada
Canadian Living
Style at Home
I've gotten away from reading these ones, but they're up for grabs as well:
Elle Canada
All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post letting me know which three magazines you would choose (I can order them as renewals if you already subscribe) and make sure you include contact information (e-mail address/Twitter/Facebook/something) so I can let you know if you win!
For extra entries, I'm going to skip the whole follow me on Twitter/Facebook/Pinterest etc. (though I hope you do, and put the links there just in case!) and instead, every time you leave a relevant comment on a post at This Mom Loves, it counts as another entry into the contest. You don't need to mention this giveaway when you comment; I'll just keep track of every comment that is submitted on any post between now and the giveaway closing date which is Monday, February 18th.
Want ideas for recent posts you could visit right now to leave your thoughts and get bonus entries?
Blogiversary # 3: My Very First Post Flashback
Microsoft Surface Fiasco Update
The Great Swaddle Debate
Winter Getaway - The Wizard of Oz in Toronto
Christmas Gift Highlights
Immunizations as Gifts...and My Kids Were Excited!
To Give(away) or Not To Give(away)
You can also follow along and leave comments on any new post that comes out in the next three weeks. And hey, it doesn't even have to be anything recent. Comment on something from 2010 for all I care, as long as you're interacting with the blog!
Good luck!