CD Review: Shun Club – Avalanche

Posted on the 20 March 2015 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU

The Shun Club are a new indie rock band from Belguim, this is their first full length album.

The band have pinned down the vintage indie pop sound with a great deal of life and energy in each track. There is an infectious quality to the songs driven by a great balance between sounding like the best bits of every other indie pop group while also having a fresh new feel to it.

The album opens with the charming and infectious title track. The lyrics are tightly delivered paired with a vibrant Belle and Sebastian-esq indie vibe. Miracle Mile brings in a subtle post-punk backdrop while maintaining a bright exterior. Falling is a sweet but sombre minimalist acoustic offering. The simple music allows the emotion of the vocals to come through strongly.
Wear me out is an upbeat dancey electronic tune sounding somewhere between the Notwist and the Postal Service. The mix of dark post punk sounds and upbeat tunes create a deep and lively offering.

Release me is a laid back country offering, sounding a bit like Beck’s folk moments.

Quest starts off as a charming indie pop tune full of background harmonies and catchy beats. It then transforms into a big loud shoegazer jam complete with a psychedelic outtro.

This is a brilliant debut release. Each track is tightly delivered with a heap of life and charm. The band have explored the various facets of the indie pop/rock sound while also establishing their own stamp on the style. This is a very promising offering!

Check out the Shun Club’s website to find out more!