CD Review: PD Wilder – O Tokke Hymns

Posted on the 12 April 2015 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU

You may have noticed now that there have been quite a few reviews of EPs that contian 5 songs and go for 5 minutes as the Silber’s 5in5 series keeps bringing out new releases.

This time round the EP comes from Texas post rocker PD Wilder. Normally known for much longer songs this is a little bit of a depature, but only a little as he manages to cram in a lot of interesting sounds and atmosphere.  The 5 tracks, or hymns as they are titled, consist of a single note flowing for one minute.

Hymn 1 is a slow and soft ambient offering. Slowing drifting through it provides a deep atmosphere sounding like you are drifting along the ocean towards the horizon. Hymn 2 takes on a darker more menacing feel. With a single note taking the whole minute it manages to create a thick and vibrant soundscape. Hymn 3 takes things even darker with a deep foresty feel to it. Hymn 4 has a more industrial sounding, taking on the feel of a dark storm at night. Hymn 5 calms things down again, sounding like the storm from Hymn 4 has just passed and the new day has begun.

This quite a stunning collection of ambient vibes. Each track brings out great atmosphere and vivid imagery while managing to fit it all within a minute and sound complete.

Check out Silber records’ 5in5 webpage to find out more!webpage