CD Review: New Southern Electrikk – Brown Eyes

Posted on the 22 February 2015 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU

This is the debut offering from Manchester’s New Southern Electrikk. Already the band have critics getting excited and listening to the single it’s not hard to see why!

This is very much a mixed bag EP with the three tracks going off in as different directions as you could imagine. As a result everything from 60s pop, 70s post punk, and 80s dance and rock all finding their way into the sound. As a result the band show off their great range in sounds, pulling them all off effortlessly.

Brown Eyes is the perfect melancholic pop tune. It oozes 60s girl pop while at the same has a certain freshness and a subtle irreverence to it. There is also the great rock and roll contrast of bleak heart broken lyrics and a poppy upbeat tune to give off the feeling of loss being felt but there still being hope going forward.

The Theme to the New Southern Electrikk is just about as different to Brown Eyes as you could get. There is a deep dark post punk feel spliced with an early 80s dance vibe sounding something like either side of Joy Division and New Order being spliced together.

The single ends with a cover of the Gun Club’s Mother Earth. There is a dark goth-rock vibe here with bass line paired with the echoing vocals creating a deep and chilling atmosphere that drags you along for the ride.

This is a very promising debut that shows off talent, creativity, and a vast range of clever ideas that are both nostalgic and fresh. There is good reason why so many peple are getting excited about this band!

Check out the band’s Facebook page to find out more!