CD Review: Mellor – Damage/Joy

Posted on the 12 February 2016 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU

Mellor are a four piece from Reading who have described themselves as indie 'pop-smack'. If this, their second EP, is anything to go by, it's a pretty apt description. The band put out an energetic indie pop sound that finds the right balance between noisy guitars and catchy tunes.

'Win me over' is a noisy indie rock tune reminiscent of Weezer or Pavement. The song has all the standard elements of a indie pop rock song but it is executed with great flair with great energy and catchy tunes blasting out! 'Dolly daydream' is a more sombre affair sounding like a more melancholic version of the Arctic Monkeys. The mix of emotion and poppy charm gives the song a great heartfelt power!

'Going nowhere' is a powerful rocking Brit-Pop tune sounding like Oasis's heavier moments. The mix of noisy guitar sounds and poppy vocals work brilliantly together! The EP closes with Schadenfreude, the fastest and heaviest song on offer. Blasting out with irreverent fun and the great line "it's no fun when no one's in pain", the track ends the EP on a great high!

This EP is a lot of fun. Taking elements from the various parts of Brit-Pop and Indie-rock the band have put forward four catchy, and energetic songs!

Check out Mellor's facebook page to find out more!