CD Review: Max Gertler – Paper Route

Posted on the 12 January 2017 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU
CD Review: Max Gertler – Paper route

This is the debut solo EP from up and coming Brooklyn rapper Max Gertler. What is clear from this EP is that Max Gertler has no intention to make his music sound mainstream or radio friendly. Instead he is experimenting with various sounds and elements with a fair share of twists and turns as each song progresses. There is also no intention to make poppy feel good songs as each track takes you down a deep dark and grubby journey covering confronting themes from suicide, alcoholism, and racism, all on show warts and all. The result is a very vivid confronting experience that pulls no punches.

'Paper route' is a curiously chilled out offering sounding like Ice Cube on mogadon. There are all sorts of echoing effects making you feel like you are wandering around an underpass. There is a great contrast between intense lyrical themes and a laid back vibe.
'27' is a dark and confronting offering, covering themes around suicide. The slow errie soundtrack creates a chilling and bleak atmosphere while the sharp unwavering rapping adds a harsh coldness.
'Messin" continues the dark vibe with the slow eerie sounds creating a bleak atmosphere making you feel like you are wandering around an abandoned neighbourhood.
'Time go' is a relatively bright tune with the upbeat and slightly faster beats creating a kind of happy ending to the dark journey.
This is a promising release with a lot of interesting ideas explored paired with some harsh and thought provoking lyrics. There is a heap of emotion of feeling poured into the music creating a vivid and atmospheric journey!

Check out Max Gertler's Facebook page to find out more!