CD Review: Brave – Brave

Posted on the 04 December 2014 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU

After many years of writing, producing, and recording music from his own bedroom, Brave has put out his debut, self-titled, EP. On offer are 5 solid hip-hop-esq tracks that show a lot of emotion and depth.

What about me is a tight hip hop that that is driven by some powerful piano chords and held together with an intense beat.

Girl in a black dress is a lower, and more sombre tune, with the beats stripped back and the dark piano keys setting up a melancholic soundscape. Real love continues with sombre vibe but with a more optimistic tone. The simple music allows Braves voice to be fully on show and realised while the echoing effects add to the atmosphere.

Every time it rains is driven by a solid accapella, showing off Braves range of vocal talents to full effect. The EP closes with the deep dark sounds of The Day You Died. The slightly eerie gaps within the music bring out a massive feeling of isolation. This is further enhanced by the nerving vocals that are filled with emotion!

This is a great debut offering that shows off a range of styles that are packaged together with great heart and emotion. On top of his Brave’s solid edgy vocals give the songs a unique twist while also adding further depth to the passion and emotion displayed.

Check out Brave’s Facebook page to find out more!