CBS Baltimore With The Biggest Fail Of Super Bowl Sunday

By Ceboscuit @ceboscuit

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Look, I know this has nothing to do with football, but whatever.  How do you pimp out the best places to watch the 2014 Winter Olympics and the first bar listed isn’t even open?  And it’s not like Shuckers just shut down yesterday, it’s been at least a couple of months.  What kind of research was done on that one?  Pretty sure if we looked up where they said we should watch the 2010 Winter Olympic Games they would have said the same places.  I say weaksauce a lot, but this one might just take the place.

No response from WJZ yet after I hit ‘em with this one:

@cbsbaltimore hey guys, #Shuckers is closed. Probably should have checked that one out before dropping this gem.

— B’More2Boston (@ceboscuit) February 2, 2014

P.S.  Not surprised to see Shuckers close.  Place didn’t do anything great in my opinion.  Just average across the board and with that prime location you gotta be the real deal.