CBD Success Stories

Posted on the 20 May 2019 by Varinder Singh Kattad Fan Of Babbu Maan @varindersingh_4

Finding the right product is tricky – especially when it comes to your health. No one wants to start taking a medication or natural remedy without doing research. There are so many things to take into consideration, such as what are the ingredients? What does this product do? Does it have any side effects? Is it safe?

These are all important questions – especially when buying CBD. There are a lot of steps that go into producing CBD products. Hemp has to be grown in proper conditions and certain extraction methods need to be used to keep the product safe and pure.

After all of that research, even if you’ve found a CBD brand that checks every box, how do you know it really works? What sets the brand you found apart from the competition? The answer is simple – real life success stories.

Reviews and success stories can give us an insight into the product we are purchasing and the company as a whole. In this article we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite CBD brands and their amazing, real life success stories.

Pure Spectrum

Pure Spectrum CBD is one of the most well-known and respected brands in the industry. They have been featured by companies such as PBS, CBS Sports, FOX Business and Reebox’s Crossfit Games to name a few. Pure Spectrum uses all organic, non-GMO, American-grown hemp in their products. They also test each batch of their product through a third party laboratory. They offer products such as CBD tinctures, CBD vape cartridges, lotions and balms.

Professional CrossFit athlete Brooke Ence uses CBD as an alternative to ibuprofen. In a partnership interview between Reebok CrossFit Games and Pure Spectrum, she said their CBD products help her recover from a strenuous exercise schedule. Although CBD was previously banned across many athletic industries, it was removed from USADA’s banned substance list in early 2018, allowing athletes like Ence to use CBD with confidence.

There is a long list of CBD success stories and positive reviews on Pure Spectrum CBD’s website.

One review from a user named, “Robin,” states, “I love this product! I have been using the tincture to help my son eliminate his prescription for clonazepam that he takes for anxiety and panic attacks. Within 3 weeks he is only using 25% of his prescription. CBD will soon be his only form of treatment. We are so impressed with the effectiveness of this easy to use and flavorless CBD. Thank you Pure Spectrum for your amazing service and dedication to the highest quality and science of CBD.”

For more reviews and stories, copy and paste this link into your browser to visit their website: https://www.purespectrumcbd.com


Like Pure Spectrum, Koi CBD is another all-natural CBD producer. Every batch is certified by a third-party lab and contains no THC, no solvents and no pesticides. They offer a wide range of products including flavored tinctures and vape cartridges. They even offer a line of pet-friendly CBD products for your furry friend.

Koi CBD’s website boasts more than 3,000 reviews – most of them 5 star. Among these, there are success stories about nearly every type of ailment from anxiety, depression and PTSD to migraines, epilepsy, seizures and arthritis.

One success story from July 13 2018 by a man named Ryan reads, “I was born with an unknown genetic motor tic/tremor disorder. I constantly twitch in my upper body muscles and simple everyday tasks are a huge challenge. For example, eating, pouring a glass of water, interacting with people because of the anxiety I have as well are all near impossible. I went to countless doctors, all of whom could not diagnose my condition. I have been on many medications that have not helped at all and the side effects were insane. The doctors had me extremely dosed to the point of where I would literally just fall asleep doing anything. Then I heard of vaping CBD. I went to a local vape shop and picked some a bottle of Koi CBD and to my surprise it helps tremendously. While I’m still pretty shaky a lot of it is gone and I feel much better going out in public.”

To read more success stories, you can visit their website here: https://koicbd.com/stories

JuJu Royal

This CBD brand comes from the son of the 4/20 king himself. Bob Marley’s son Julian Marley has always been an outspoken advocate for cannabis products. Although an advocate for marijuana, Marley’s brand, JuJu Royal produces legal, hemp-derived CBD. The CBD is derived from industrial hemp and contains less than .03% THC.

Their selection of products is limited but includes CBD tinctures, vape juice and CBD olive oil. Impressively, in mid 2018 JuJu Royal’s CBD olive oil stole first place in the annual Best of Edibles List Awards.

A 2018 review for the brand’s vape juice from a woman named Crystal Bennett states, “I have the Kingston Cream flavor and not only does it taste amazing, but this wonderful product really helps with my chronic nerve pain, inflammation, anxiety, and lends nice mood support. I gave a bottle to my (adult) son, so suffers from clinical depression ADHD anxiety and he is thrilled with the results this CBD vape juice brings him. Between the effectiveness of the product and the incredible service I received from the people at JuJu Royal, I’ll definitely be ordering more soon.”

To read more success stories, visit their website here: https://jujuroyal.net

Other CBD Brands to Look For

Pure Spectrum CBD, Koi CBD and JuJu Royal are only three in a long list of great CBD brands. Some other brands to keep an eye out for include:

  • CBD FX
  • Vape Bright
  • CBD for the People
  • Veed Verks
  • Heady Harvest
  • CBD Drip
  • Hemp Bombs, and
  • Jolly Green Oil

Each of these brands follow strenuous procedures to ensure they are safe, pure and legal. From growing high-quality hemp to using industrial extraction methods to having each batch tested and certified by a third-party laboratory, these companies go above and beyond to provide the best products on the market.

If you would like to learn more about CBD or any of these companies, click here to visit our website.


Pure Spectrum [Pure Spectrum]. (2018, July 31).  Pro CrossFit Athlete Brooke Ence on Why She Uses Pure Spectrum . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUynEkjI-Ww.

Pavlovic, R., Nenna, G., Calvi, L., Panseri, S., Borgonovo, G., Giupponi, L., … Giorgi, A. (2018). Quality Traits of “Cannabidiol Oils”: Cannabinoids Content, Terpene Fingerprint and Oxidation Stability of European Commercially Available Preparations. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)23(5), 1230. doi:10.3390/molecules23051230

Pamplona, F. A., da Silva, L. R., & Coan, A. C. (2018). Potential Clinical Benefits of CBD-Rich Cannabis Extracts Over Purified CBD in Treatment-Resistant Epilepsy: Observational Data Meta-analysis. Frontiers in neurology9, 759. doi:10.3389/fneur.2018.00759

Andre, C. M., Hausman, J. F., & Guerriero, G. (2016). Cannabis sativa: The Plant of the Thousand and One Molecules. Frontiers in plant science7, 19. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.00019

Hilderbrand R. L. (2018). Hemp & Cannabidiol: What is a Medicine?. Missouri medicine115(4), 306–309.

Kogan, N. M., & Mechoulam, R. (2007). Cannabinoids in health and disease. Dialogues in clinical neuroscience9(4), 413–430.