Sells for $20,460 Less the Second Time Around

Posted on the 01 May 2019 by Worldwide @thedomains

One name I saw on the list tonight at Namebio was and how it closed at NameJet for $4,540.

I was thinking how this name would be used? Then I saw it sold back in 2008 for $25,000.

What’s interesting is the registrant is a lady who once worked at Neustar over 15 years ago. But the admin was a different gentleman and the tech contact was back to the lady. The lady was listed in California and the gentleman in New York, it looks like now he lives in Toronto.

From the research I did it looks like they both worked together at a company called AdBullpen. The name was allowed to expire, this was not sold by them at NameJet.

It looks from the research that both people are alive and working at other businesses, the gentleman still tweets from the @adbullpen Twitter account.

So I wonder if there was confusion and the expiration emails went to a bad email address. The name was parked at Sedo for years, and was at for many years before transferring to Moniker in 2016.

The domain was originally registered by a software company. Here is how it looked in 2003.