Cats ..... and Lazy Folk

By Sue15cat

This picture of Ginger is simply here because I love it!!
I came out of the polytunnel last night after giving everything a good watering to find Ginger sat on the gatepost wating for me.  He likes to sit up on the posts, I think it gives him a real sense of being cleverer than the dogs if you see the look on his face sometimes as he watches their activities way down on the ground.  It had been a scorching hot day and even with the door left open all day everything was parched in the polytunnel, not bad for North Wales in September!!
I'm not complaining at all, this late in the season sunshine is lovely.

The 'Lazy Folk' part of the title .... well I bought this brand new full bottle of Sanctuary body lotion, my absolute favorite and one of the few perfumed things I can tolerate on my skin, for 50p at a car boot sale last weekend.  The reason the lady was selling it was that 'it was too hard to get it out of the bottle' !!
Yes it was, it just would not be squeezed out at all, so I simply took the whole top off and squeezed it all into an empty jar .....

... turning it upside down overnight to get every last little drop out of there, and even running my little finger round the inside of the neck of the bottle to get it all.  This would have cost me £5.50 if I had had to go out a buy one in Boots.  So for a bit of effort I have a bargain, and that's just it ... a little bit of effort is all it took.  
Is it just me or do so many people want everything super easy these days.  I appreciate things much more when I have put in just a little bit of my time and imagination to them.  Life shouldn't be all about ease and no effort, yes it's lovely occasionally, like having a ready meal now and then, but when you take the time to do something properly, like prepare a meal from scratch, the preparation or the squeezing out of every last bit of body lotion, becomes so much more a part of what you have.
I'm jumping off my little soapbox now ;-)
Sue xx