I haven't been blogging over the past few weeks for good reason. I've had a lot of big changes going on and I wanted to handle them the mature way and with my full focus. So here's a quick synopsis.
1.) I started a new job handling public relations for a small, local, advertising company. While I loved the jewelry business and my coworkers, I now have my own office, a salary, a casual dress code, a flexible schedule, weekends and evenings off, and a lot of vacation time. Plus it's work I truly enjoy. And that's something I feel very humbled for.
2.) We redecorated more. Finally, wall art, a bar area, even wood in the fireplace. More to come on this later.
3.) For Gold, Glitter, & Glory is growing up. You can now reach the blog at www.forgoldglitterandglory.com and reach me at jess@forgoldglitterandglory.com. Don't worry, the old links, as well as www.forgoldglitterandglory.typepad.com, will remain active too.