Cat Tunnel Sofa Gives Cats A Place To Play When The Mice Are Away

By Petslady @petslady

You may think you're hearing rats in the walls but fear not, it's just the cats in your furniture. The “Cat Tunnel Sofa” by Korean designer Seungji Mun combines the best features of a comfy couch, a hamster habitat (for really big hamsters) and some of the more elaborate Cat Condos already on the market.
Though only a prototype at the moment, the cool-for-cats couch concept is brimming with potential – place one in your living room and in short order it'll be brimming with cats! Check out this still from Cat Tunnel Sofa: The Making Of:

Cats can't use the Internet yet so the least we can do for our furry feline friends is to provide them with a dumbed-down version, aka Senator Ted Stevens' much-mocked “series of tubes”. It could be even more!
“We would like to use 'the furniture' as a tool to share emotions and feelings with pets,” states Mun. “This Cat Tunnel Sofa is to communicate and share feelings with a cat.” Uh, sure... but maybe Mr. Frisky won't feel so sharing when you celebrate a touchdown by hammering out Wipeout on the tube he's fast asleep inside. (via CBS Interactive and Munseungji)